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June 2023 Board Meeting
Posted on Jun 19th, 2023
The June 2023 meeting will be held at Forest Park, Shelter 1.  If this shelter is unavailable, we will move to the next closest shelter.
Pool Hours 2021
Posted on May 29th, 2021
The pool hours for the 2021 Pool Season are:
May 29 - May 31 (Sat-Sun-Mon): 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Jun 1 - Jun 3 (Tues-Wed-Thurs): 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Jun 4 - Aug 1 (Sun-Sat): 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Aug 2 - Sept 5: Mon-Fri 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM and Sat-Sun 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Sept 6: 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM
October 2020 Board Meeting Canceled
Posted on Oct 20th, 2020
The October 20, 2020 Board Meeting has been canceled due to the lack of quorum.
A new meeting date will be posted here when available.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
COVD-19 Coronavirus
Posted on Mar 25th, 2020
The Meadows POA Board of Directors (BOD) is monitoring the outbreak of the COVID-19 Coronavirus and its impact on our community.
We encourage everyone to follow the latest guidance and updates issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the State of Indiana and the Hamilton County Health Department.
As everyone's health and well-being are of the utmost importance, we regrettably have canceled the MPOA Annual Easter Egg Hunt that was scheduled for April 11. 
Additionally, the Meadows playground and park are closed indefinitely to mitigate the spread of the virus.
At this time the 2020 Pool Season begins on Saturday, May 23. If any changes become necessary to the pool opening or pool policies in light of the outbreak of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, information will be posted on the MPOA website at
We hope everyone stays safe and healthy.
Board of Directors, MPOA
2019 City Leaf Pickup
Posted on Nov 3rd, 2019
Bagged Leaf pick-up begins September 16, 2019, and continues through December 13, 2019
Weekly pick-up is on the same day as the resident's trash collection. Bagged leaf pick-up is conducted by the City of Noblesville Street Department; therefore, it is not picked up at the same time as your trash, just the same day.
Please separate trash containers from leaf bags.
Bagged Leaves must be in the biodegradable bags provided by the city at no charge to the Noblesville residents. The bags are free and can be picked up at any local Fire Station, City Hall, Street Department, or Parks Department.
Bags should be placed in the right-of-way (space between the street and the sidewalk). Bagged leaves are not picked up in the alley.
Residents may put out as many bags as necessary. Bagged leaves must weigh no more than 40 lbs.
Meadows Ponds News October 2019
Posted on Oct 1st, 2019
Good morning Ponds Rx family,
Just a quick note of what we are expecting in the next week or so.
We have had extremely hot temperatures, as you know.  This weekend, we are expecting 40* temperature shift downward.  What does this mean for your ponds?  There is a potential for fall turnover-see link below for an animated description.  This can cause a fish kill in your pond.  This is a natural event, and not anything to be upset about.  Those of you with aeration systems, the chances of this happening to your pond is minimal.  The odds of this happening without aeration on your pond are low but want you to be informed.
Please let me know if you have questions.
Thank you.
Free Snow Cones - Memorial Day 2019
Posted on May 27th, 2019
This Memorial Day, you can get free Snow cones at the pool starting at noon.  So, if you’re planning on coming to the pool, be sure to enjoy some flavored ice. Flavors are Blue Raspberry, Cherry, Orange, and Bubblegum. 
Sidewalk & Curb Repair - May 2019
Posted on May 8th, 2019
 Noblesville street department will be doing extensive sidewalk and curb repair work followed by additional street resurfacing.  For details of their plans.  Cliick on the two links.  Plan details  Plan Map
Special Extended Pool Season 2018
Posted on Sep 3rd, 2018
This year we are extending the pool season two extra weekends beyond Labor Day, consisting of Friday Saturday, and Sunday!
That’s September 7th, 8th & 9th and September 14th, 15th & 16th (weather permitting).
The board hopes you enjoy a few extra days in the Sun at the pool!
Posted on May 25th, 2018
Pool Season 2018 Opens Saturday May 26!
Pool Hours for 2018:
May 26-28: 11AM-8PM; 8PM-9PM Adult Swim Only
May 29-June 1: 4PM-8PM; 8PM-9PM Adult Swim Only
June 2-Jul 31: 11AM-8PM DAILY; 8PM-9PM DAILY – Adult Swim Only
Aug 1-Sept 4: M-F 4PM-8PM; 8PM-9PM Adult Swim Only
S-S 11AM-8PM; 8PM-9PM Adult Swim Only
Pool Opening Weather Reminder
Posted on Sep 1st, 2017
As a reminder Per Indiana state code the outdoor temperature must be above 70° for the pool to be open.
Street Tree Pruning - August 2017
Posted on Aug 22nd, 2017
Noblesville Street Department has scheduled pruning of the street trees  sometime during the next few weeks.  Please keep the streets clear of parked vehicles so that the process can go as smoothly as possible. As a reminder street parking is not permitted within the Meadows.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
MPOA Board of Directors 
Pool Fobs 2017
Posted on Mar 1st, 2017
Pool fobs will be delivered to new residents of the Meadows starting May 1st, Residents who have requested and paid for replacement pool fobs the week of May 21st. Pool fobs are to be retained at the end of the pool season for future use.
If you are in one of the above categories and have not received your pool fob by Wednesday May 24, please contact the MPOA.
Holiday Decorations
Posted on Jan 11th, 2017
As a reminder, Christmas and other December holiday decorations are to be removed by the end of January as per the Rules & Regulations.
Street Parking
Posted on Jan 11th, 2017
Persistent street parking is not permitted in the Meadows, as it can interfere with mail delivery and the snowplows. Cul-de-sacs having cars parked in them will not be plowed.  For safety's sake keep children and pets clear of the snow removal trucks. Children and pets at the edge or in the streets are difficult to see from the trucks and the weather makes it difficult for the trucks to maneuver or stop quickly!
2016 Spring Garage Sale
Posted on Apr 12th, 2016
By unanimous vote this spring's neighborhood Garage Sale dates will be Friday May 13, and Saturday May 14. Looking forward to seeing what can be had this year.
Reminder to Residents With Pets
Posted on Dec 2nd, 2015
Several complaints have been received in the last few weeks about pets in the Meadows. Remember that dog owners and dog walkers must retrieve and properly dispose of any waste produced by their pet (proper disposal does not include leaving the waste, in any form, on common property) and must have dogs on a leash and under their control at all times while on common property and while walking throughout the Meadows. This is also a City of Noblesville Ordinance.  Thank you for your cooperation.
2015 Labor Day Holiday Pool Hours
Posted on Sep 1st, 2015
As noted in the post below, the Meadows Pool will remain closed during the week.
The pool will be open this Friday September 4 through Monday September 7 for the Labor Day Holiday. Pool hours will be 11:00AM - 8:00PM only. There will be no adult-only swim from 8:00-9:00PM due to the decreasing daylight hours.
Posted on May 27th, 2015
The MPOA pool will be closing Wednesday May 27 at 5:00PM and will not re-open until Friday May 29 at 1:00PM.
A major landscape project will be in process at this time near the pool facility. Because the pool attracts young children and due to the large trucks, heavy equipment, and noise that will be necessary for the project, it is in everyone's best interest to close the pool to avoid any potential injury.
The MPOA Board apologizes in advance for the inconvenience.
Posted on Jan 6th, 2014

Republic Services has announced that Noblesville residents who have regular trash pickups on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays will have their regular pickups this week as normal.  Residents who normally have Monday pickups will have a double pickup next Monday, January 13.  Residents who normally have Tuesday pickups will have a double pickup next Tuesday, January 14.  Residents who will have double pickups next Monday and Tuesday are asked to put the extra trash bags right next to their Republic Services trash container.

Residents who have any questions regarding this temporary schedule should contact Republic Services at (317) 917-7300.
Ash Tree Stump Removal
Posted on Nov 7th, 2013
The City of Noblesville has informed the MPOA that they have had to pull off the ash tree stump removal that began this week. The City will be back in to finish the ash tree stump removal in the Estates section as soon as possible.  They tried diligently to get them all done at one time, but due to leaves building up in the City they have to pull off temporarily.  They will get back in to finish them as soon as possible.
Hot Weather Pond Update
Posted on Sep 9th, 2013
With the extended lack of any measurable rainfall and warm temperatures, many ponds/lakes have devleloped a green color, which is actually a type of algae-plantonic algae. 
EAB Infestation at the Meadows
Posted on Mar 23rd, 2013
Despite the MPOA’s efforts over the past 3 years to be proactive and treat the ash trees located on common area throughout the neighborhood, the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has infested the MPOA’s ash trees.
City's Mosquito Control Efforts Continue; Residents Asked To Take Simple Steps To Help Reduce Mosquito Population
Posted on Sep 6th, 2012
The Noblesville Street Department continues to treat for mosquitoes due to the recent rains.  The treatment that the Street Department uses is environmentally safe and conforms to all EPA standards.  Crews have been making regular passes throughout the city with the fogging vehicles, but residents are welcome to report areas in the city where they have noticed either standing water or high levels of mosquitoes.
Noblesville Planning Department Initiates Comprehensive Digitalization Process
Posted on Sep 6th, 2012
The Noblesville Department of Planning & Development is currently undergoing a complete digitalization process of its records and building permit processes in order to create easier access for developers, those in the construction industry, and Planning Department staff.
Noblesville Common Council Votes To Rescind City's Burn Ban
Posted on Aug 14th, 2012
At tonight's meeting, the Noblesville Common Council voted to rescind the city's burn ban and restriction on consumer fireworks usage which were enacted earlier this summer due to emergency drought conditions.
City of Noblesville Extends Burn Ban and Ban on Use of Consumer Fireworks
Posted on Jul 6th, 2012
The Noblesville Common Council voted 6 – 0 this morning to approve Ordinance 24-7-12—an indefinite extension on the current ban for open burning and for the use of consumer fireworks.
Burn Ban Proclaimed for City of Noblesville and Noblesville Township
Posted on Jun 26th, 2012
Effective June 26, 2012, a burn ban has been instituted for the City of Noblesville and Noblesville Township.  Due to the drought conditions, the weather forecast, the risks of fire hazards, and public safety concerns, Mayor John Ditslear, Fire Chief Ken Gilliam, and Township Trustee Billie Caldwell signed a proclamation this morning (attached) banning open burning within city and township limits until further notice.